If you’re looking to increase flowering in tomatoes, then you’ve come to the right place. Growing a lush and healthy tomato plant can be tricky business if you don’t know what you’re doing. From choosing the right variety of tomato for your climate, understanding how pests affect flowers and fruit production, as well as tips on harvesting maximum yields; this guide will have all the answers that you need when it comes to increasing flowering in tomatoes. So let’s get started!

Why Are My Tomato Plants Not Flowering?
Too Much Nitrogen
Tomatoes are voracious eaters and need a nutritious diet consisting of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and an assortment of micro-nutrients. To promote flowering, they require a lower amount of nitrogen and an increased amount of phosphorus. If your tomato plants are excessively green and not producing flowers, you may want to prune some of the leaves and suckers (but not for determinate plants). This way, the plant can focus its energy on producing flowers instead of feeding the leaves.
Environmental Stressors
Environmental stressors such as extreme temperatures, drought conditions, and excessive wind can also be responsible for preventing your tomato plants from flowering.
Tomatoes are native to subtropical Central America and require a temperature range of 65 to 75ºF (18-24°C) to produce fruit. Hot temperatures can reduce flower production, while cold temperatures may delay it altogether. Drought conditions can prevent flowers from forming and stunt the plants’ growth. Windy conditions can also damage the delicate flowers before they have had the chance to bloom. If your tomatoes are in grow bags, you can move them to a shady spot during the heat of the day. Other options include stringing a tarp overhead or moving an umbrella to provide shade. Once temperatures start to fall, your tomatoes should begin flowering again.

Light Exposure
Tomato plants need plenty of sunlight to produce healthy blooms so if you’re growing them indoors or in shady areas then this could be the culprit behind your non-flowering issue.
Tomatoes need at least six to eight hours of sunlight each day to cultivate and yield fruit. If there is insufficient sunlight, it could lead to problems in production, such as no flowers, or flowers with no fruit.
How to Increase Flowers on Tomato Plants?
If you want to grow tomatoes in your area, it’s best to select varieties that will thrive there. Go for indeterminate tomatoes as these are long-flowering plants, continuing to produce fruit for several months.
Grow them in well-drained soil and water regularly to reduce stress on the plants and encourage flowering.
Tomato plants need ample space between each other to ensure a good circulation of air. Additionally, using stakes or cages to keep them from growing into one another is recommended. When selecting a spot for your tomato plants, be sure to pick an area that gets plenty of sunlight throughout the day and is not blocked by buildings or trees.
The University of Missouri recommends using a fertilizer low in nitrogen but high in phosphorus and potassium for increased flowering in tomatoes – look for one with an NPK ratio of 5-10-10 along with trace minerals added.
Recommended Fertilizers for Growing Tomatoes
Check foliage regularly for wilt, spots or lesions; if you notice any symptoms of disease tackle it immediately to prevent spread of infection.
Pruning and training techniques are essential when it comes to promoting good flowering in tomato plants. Pruning helps boost air circulation, keeping the foliage dryer and decreasing the risk of fungal diseases which can hamper blooming. Removing extra leaves also exposes more buds to light, raising the likelihood of pollination and subsequently, a better yield at harvest.
How to Grow More Tomatoes After Plants Have Flowered
When it comes to boosting fruit production after plants have flowered, there are a few things you can do. Hand pollination is one of the most effective methods for ensuring that your tomato plants get the pollen they need to produce fruit.
You can use an electric toothbrush or a small, soft-bristled painting brush and gently touch or dip each flower in order to move the pollen around.
This will help ensure that your tomatoes get enough pollination even if wind transfer isn’t possible due to high temperatures.
Another way to increase pollination of tomato flowers is by planting flowers nearby to attract bees.
Bees play an important role in helping spread pollen between flowers so having them around will help boost your chances of getting more fruits from your tomato plants.
Finally, another thing you can do is prune off any dead or dying leaves and stems on the plant itself since this could be blocking some of its potential for growth and productivity.
Pruning also helps promote air circulation which allows for better photosynthesis and overall healthier plant growth – all essential components when it comes to producing more fruits from flowering plants like tomatoes!
- The Secret to a Pest-Free Garden: Plant These With Your Tomatoes
- How Long Do Tomatoes Take to Grow
- Why Your Tomato Leaves Are Turning Yellow
- The Perfect Time to Plant Tomatoes in California
- Plum Tomatoes Demystified: Growing Tops for Gardens and Containers
- How to Master Hydroponic Tomatoes
FAQs About How to Increase Flowering in Tomatoes
Tomato flowering is triggered by a combination of environmental factors. Temperature, light exposure and soil fertility all play an important role in the process. Warmer temperatures encourage flower production while cooler temperatures can slow it down. Adequate sunlight is also necessary for tomatoes to produce flowers, as they need 8-10 hours of direct sun each day. Finally, having nutrient-rich soil with good drainage helps ensure that plants are able to absorb enough nutrients to support healthy growth and flower production.
Fertilizers that are high in phosphorus and potassium are best for tomatoes to help them flower. A fertilizer such as 5-10-10 is ideal. It’s important to follow the directions on the package when applying any type of fertilizer, as overfertilizing can be damaging to your plants. Additionally, adding compost or manure to your soil will provide additional nutrients and help keep your garden healthy.
Tomatoes require a certain amount of sunlight and warmth to flower. If your tomatoes are not flowering, it could be due to inadequate sunlight or cooler temperatures. Make sure the plants are getting at least 6-8 hours of direct sun each day and that nighttime temperatures stay above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, ensure the soil is well drained and fertilized with an organic fertilizer every few weeks for optimal growth.

Final Thoughts on How to Increase Flowering in Tomatoes
Increasing flowering in tomatoes is a simple process that requires little effort. By following the steps listed in this blog post, you can help ensure that your tomato plants are producing a healthy, abundant harvest. With the right balance of sunlight, water, and fertilizer, you can create the perfect environment for your tomatoes to thrive. So get out there and start tending to your tomato plants – you’ll be harvesting those tomatoes in no time!

Darrell has a passion for gardening that he inherited from his father. Go here to read more about the influence his father played in his love for gardening. If you want to send Darrell a quick message, then visit his contact page here.