Casa >> Vasi e fioriere >> Piantare cetrioli in Grow Bags (Guida per principianti)

Piantare cetrioli in Grow Bags (Guida per principianti)

Crunchy, juicy cucumbers, who doesn’t love eating those?! When compared to other veggies, though, cucumbers take up a lot of space in your garden. You need a space of at least 3 feet apart per plant to grow most cucumber varieties. That makes growing them a less practical option for people who have a small vegetable bed.

If you don’t have the space, though, and you still insist on growing this crunchy treat in your garden or your appartamento, the best thing to do is grow them in fabric grow bags. They’re just what they sound like – a borsa in tessuto che puoi coltivare i tuoi raccolti!

In this article, we’re not just explaining how to grow fresh cucumbers using a grow bag but also some bonus tips to get a spectacular cucumber growing experience.

Planting cucumbers in grow bags (Beginner's guide)

Scegliere un posto per la borsa

Unlike open-ground agricultural systems, grow bags don’t require heavy machinery. But there are some considerations to have in mind if you want a successful cucumber growing experience.

If you grow them in more than one bag, don’t place them in a square, as it will be harder to equip and take care of them. Instead, place them in a row. It’s best to place your bag in a spot where shadows are diffused. The sun has to fall on your cukes without being strong enough to burn the leaves. Somewhere like under gazebos or alberi da frutta è l'ideale.


Don’t get overwhelmed by the various options of fertilizers in the market. Always look for something organic. Some fertilizers work great for verdure, quindi cerca sempre questi tipi.

Ti suggeriamo di ottenere un fertilizzante that has phosphorus and potassium for your cucumbers. It’s always a good idea to read the package and check if a fertilizer has what you need for your cucumbers to grow.

Inoltre, vuoi un terreno che abbia abbastanza umidità ma non sia troppo fradicio. I sacchetti per la coltivazione tendono ad asciugarsi più velocemente grazie al loro tessuto traspirante. Nelle giornate calde, innaffia i tuoi cetrioli la sera, quando la temperatura inizia a diminuire.

Preparazioni della borsa

Sebbene ogni clima e varietà di cetriolo abbia le sue condizioni speciali, ci sono alcune regole generali quando si tratta di coltivare cetrioli in sacchetti. 

Choosing the size of your bag depends on the number of seeds you’re going to plant in there, but typically, you’ll need a 1- to Borsa da 5 galloni to start with. If the soil is already in your bag, try to shake the bag to loosen it up. But if you’re going to add the soil to the bag, use your fingers to loosen it.

Don’t over-fill your bag with soil – leave a width of four fingers without any soil. This will prevent the water from overflowing and your soil from falling out. Now it’s time to plant your seeds!

Quanti semi di cetriolo dovresti coltivare in un sacchetto?

If you have a one-gallon grow bag, one seed will be just fine. But if it’s a five-gallon bag, we recommend that you plant 2-3 seeds. Leave a space of about a hand’s width between every two seeds to allow them to grow healthy. If you put more seeds than you should in your bag, the cucumbers won’t grow to their maximum potential.

Piantare i semi

Depending on the grow bag’s size and the number of seeds you planted, add your fertilizer. For each gallon in bag size, use half a teaspoon of fertilizer. Since cold temperatures aren’t the best for cucumbers, you want the soil to be at a minimum of 70ºF. You also want soil that is moist and a bit acidic (6.5-7.0 pH).

Usa le dita per scavare un piccolo buco nel terreno, metti il seme all'interno di questo buco e coprilo con il terreno.

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Per le piante di cetriolo più grandi, assicurati che lo spazio che scavi sia abbastanza grande da consentire alle radici di penetrare nel terreno. Se più di un seme sta crescendo all'interno della tua borsa, fai attenzione a non sovraccaricarli e assicurati di lasciare un buon spazio tra di loro.

Dai un'occhiata ai nostri consigli sui semi di cetriolo...

Cura stagionale

Assicurati di lasciare la borsa in un luogo dove possa raggiungere il sole. Per consentire loro di crescere ed essere sani, dovresti annaffiare i tuoi cetrioli con 1-2 pollici di acqua ogni settimana.

Un errore comune che fa in modo che le persone innaffino eccessivamente le piante è lasciare che l'acqua tocchi solo la parte superiore del terreno, che di solito è la parte del terreno che si asciuga più velocemente. Quindi, posiziona il dito all'interno del terreno per verificare quanto sono realmente asciutte le tue piante.

The soil in the middle of your bag will tell you whether the cucumbers need watering or not. Poking a little hole into one side of your bag will definitely help! For faster results, if you grow your cucumbers in a large bag, don’t make holes in the top and sow the seeds. Instead, make 10 cuts – 5 cm long, each – on the sides. 

Then, place your seeds in the soil and gently tamp it. This will make the seedlings show in almost a week! Check your bag regularly – every day if possible – and make sure the space around the grow bag is clear as your cucumbers grow. You can even place a support for your plant to prevent it from touching the floor.


Cucumber sizes differ depending on the variety you grow. The ideal time of day to harvest your cucumbers is in the early morning when the vines get cool and damp. Get rid of the cucumbers with rotten ends or the ones that aren’t properly growing. This will allow the plant to concentrate its growth and nutrients on the healthier ones.

As for the good ones, just cut them down by the stem, ¼ inch over each cucumber, and collect your green goodies in a box or basket!

Due diversi metodi per coltivare i cetrioli in sacchetti per la coltivazione

Ora che sai come farlo cetrioli vegetali nei sacchetti di coltivazione, ci sono diversi metodi per posizionare e utilizzare i tuoi sacchetti di coltivazione.

Metodo convenzionale

In this method, you just place your cucumber grow bag directly on the ground or even on a pallet. Yes, it’ll take up space on the floor, but it’s worth it if you ever want to move your bag around!

Metodo oscillante

The best thing about hanging your bag is the free space you’ll get on the floor. This method is simple – just find a sunny spot where you can hang the bag on something that’s strong enough to carry its weight. Also, make sure it’s OK for the area under your bag to get wet.

Il momento migliore per coltivare i cetrioli

La scelta del momento migliore, ovviamente, dipende da dove vivi. Ma come regola generale, i cetrioli possono crescere in quasi tutti i periodi dell'anno e le piante impiegano 50-80 giorni per produrli.

Cold days aren’t the best to grow cucumbers, so make use of those summer months while they last!

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Le migliori varietà di cetrioli per Grow Bag

Picolino F1

This European variety has thin skin and a sweet taste. It’s a great one to grow as it matures only in 50 days.

Sciabola F1

This uniform variety has thick, dark skin, and it’s a good option for commercial growing, as it can handle long-distance shipping. But it doesn’t mean you can’t grow it in your bag at home. In fact, it has a short growing time of 55 days and needs no pollination, making it a great variety to grow at home.

H-19 Fogliolina

Whether you’re into fresh taste or pickling, this variety will work wonders for you. It’s great for grow bags and takes 58 days to mature.

Paraíso F1

Se scegli di coltivare questa varietà nella tua grow bag, potrai goderti il suo sapore leggermente dolce entro 59 giorni!

Decapaggio Nazionale

Who doesn’t like pickles? The National Pickling variety is perfect for this use. It’s a high-yielding slicer that takes just 52 days to grow fully.

Poona Kheera

As soon as you try a Poona Kheera cucumber, you’ll fall in love with this golden, juicy Indian variety. And the best part is, it matures in a maximum of 55 days!

Though cucumbers are more flavorful when eaten fresh, you still can leave them in the fridge for about a week, or just go ahead and pickle them for longer storage! No matter what you choose to do, they’re delicious anyway!


Cetrioli in crescita nel giardino di casa

Cetrioli Di Serra

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