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About Darrell, Editor-in-Chief

Hi! My name is Darrell and I would like to welcome you to our site. Wraxly Home & Garden has grown from a passion project selling fabric grow bags to a site with hundreds of articles that will hopefully help you to become a better gardener. 

Gardening has been a passion of mine since I was a young’n growing up in Southern California. I was influenced by my father’s love of gardening and the fact that by Dad turned our suburban backyard into a mini-farm, where he grew everything under the sun. Some of the things I remember my Dad growing in our backyard included rows of corn, boysenberries (his favorite), various fruit trees, beans, squash, lettuce, strawberries, rhubarb, tangerine and orange trees, and apples.

Now that I am an adult, I take that love of gardening and try to create a garden wherever I happen to be living, whether it is a small,  indoor herb garden in an apartment, a balcony garden in a condo, or a sprawling garden on a 1-acre plot of land that we lived on for 5 years.  

Through this site we are committed to helping gardeners of all levels experience the joys of growing their own food. As the editor-in-chief on our blog, I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience that I’ve gained in my 50+ years.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’d love to hear from you.

Darrell and Mahana

Cheers! Darrell (& Mahana)

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