Thuis >> Potten & Bloembakken >> Milieuvriendelijke elegantie: laat uw groene duim los met een houten plantenpot

Milieuvriendelijke elegantie: laat uw groene duim los met een houten plantenpot

Clay and plastic pots aren’t the only options in the market that you can use to grow plants and vegetables. There are wooden plant pots available that can help you achieve your gardening goals with less impact on the environment.

Although clay pots are eco-friendly, they have their own set of drawbacks. They have no flexibility, so it’s very tricky to handle them, and you can end up with a broken pot with a single mistake. Additionally, they’re also prone to cracks due to freeze and thaw cycles.

That’s where wooden plant pots come into play. They’re not only eco-friendly and durable but can also help you save money in the long run, as they can last for years.

In this article, I’ll discuss everything you need to know about wooden plant pots to help you achieve your gardening goals in an eco-friendly way.

Unleash your green thumb with a wooden plant pot

Why Should You Use Wooden Plant Pots?

Wooden plant pots can be an excellent addition to your garden or indoor space. Not only do they look good, but they also offer a range of other benefits, including the following:


Wooden planters are biodegradable, and they don’t harm the environment in any way. It makes them the best option for people who are concerned about their impact on the environment.

They decompose over time and don’t leave any harmful waste, unlike plastic containers that end up in landfills.


One of the key advantages of wooden plant pots is their breathability. Unlike some other materials like plastic and resin that can suffocate plant roots, wood allows for natural air circulation.

It creates a healthier environment for your plants, which allows them to thrive. This unique feature can regulate moisture levels to prevent overwatering and root rot and contribute to healthy plant growth.


Wood has low thermal conductivity, which means it’s resistant to temperature changes. It allows wooden planters to create a shield to protect the roots of your plants from both harsh cold and scorching heat.

This natural thermal barrier ensures a more stable environment for your plants to help them thrive. So, having wooden plant pots in your garden also means you won’t need to worry too much about sudden weather changes.

Ease of Mobility

If you like to rearrange the layout of your garden frequently or need to move your planten binnenshuis during colder months, using wooden planters is the best option. That’s because they’re lightweight, and you can move them around easily.


Wooden plant pots are known for their remarkable durability, lasting for years or even decades. They’re more flexible than clay pots, which can shatter with a single mishap.

While they can develop mold due to weather conditions, they rarely fall victim to cracks and fractures. Not only does it save you from the hassle of buying new pots again and again, but it can also save you a lot of money in the long run.

Esthetische aantrekkingskracht

Another great advantage of using wooden plant pots is that they add more beauty and character to your garden or living space. Their natural beauty complements various plant varieties to enhance their visual appeal.

Whether you prefer a rustic charm or a modern aesthetic, you can integrate these planters into any design style.

The Downside of Using Wooden Pots

While there’s a wide range of benefits that wooden plant pots bring to the table, they also have their own set of downsides that you should understand.

Decay and Rot

Wooden planters are susceptible to decay and rot, especially when exposed to moisture constantly. Their natural material breaks down when in contact with water, and it’ll lead to a shortened lifespan.

Regular maintenance and proper drainage are required to minimize this risk. To maximize their lifespan, you’ll need to paint, stain, or reseal your wooden pots.

Initial Cost

High-quality wooden planters can be more expensive upfront than some other materials. The cost of the wood itself, along with any necessary treatments or finishes, can contribute to higher initial investment.

Susceptibility to Pests

Another disadvantage of using wooden planters is that they can attract pests like termites, ants, and fungi. They thrive in damp environments; without proper care and maintenance, they can damage the planter and your plants.

Tips To Use Wooden Pots Effectively

Here’s a list of tips that you can follow to maximize the lifespan of your wooden containers and save money.

  • Line your wooden containers with heavy-duty plastic to prolong their lifespan. But make sure that you choose plastic bags that have drainage holes in them. It’ll allow you to prevent water accumulation to protect your plants.
  • It’s an excellent idea to paint your wooden planters with bright colors. Not only will it add an extra layer of protection for your planters, but it’ll also enhance the visual appeal of your garden.
  • It’s important to use pot feet to elevate your wooden containers. It’ll keep them from touching the ground, improve drainage, and reduce the risk of rot. Additionally, it’ll also add a stylish touch to your arrangement.
  • The best way to extend the life of your wooden planters is to perform maintenance at the end of each growing season. Empty the containers, clean them thoroughly (especially the inside), and reseal the wood using a wood preservative or sealant. Make sure you store them in a dry and dark location for winter to keep them safe.
  • If you’re on a begroting and don’t want to spend money on new wooden planters, consider transforming old wooden dresser drawers into planting containers. You can also look for old wooden boxes and crates at yard sales for the same purpose.
  • If you’re a DIY enthusiast and constructing your own wooden pots, make sure that you use screws, nails, and fasteners made of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant metals. It’ll prevent deterioration due to rust or corrosion and increase the longevity of your containers.

Best Wooden Plant Pots

Now that you understand why using wooden plant pots is a great option and how to maintain them properly, let’s discuss the best options available in the market.

OIPRTGFJ Wooden Wagon Planter Box: Most Stylish

If you want a big yet stylish wooden planter for your garden, you can go with the OIPRTGFJ Wooden Wagon Planter Box. It comes with two big planters that you can use to grow flowers, vegetables, or any other plant you want.


  • Stijlvol ontwerp
  • Two planting areas
  • Easy-to-follow instructions for assembly


  • Need to be assembled

HABITAS Wooden Plant Pots: Most Elegant

The HABITAS Wooden Plant Pots package has three plant pots of different sizes (10,8 and 6 inches). 

These bamboo pots are handmade and make for a perfect option for growing indoor plants. If you’re a minimalist and prefer simple yet elegant planters, you can’t go wrong with this option.


  • Elegant ontwerp
  • Made of durable bamboo
  • Two planters in a single package


  • Not suitable for outdoors

Boldly Raised Garden Planter: Most Durable

While the Boldly Raised Garden Planter is a bit costlier than other options listed here, it’s also the most durable. 

It’s a raised planter made of high-quality, unfinished, rot-resistant cedar wood that’ll add to the natural appeal of your garden. If you’re looking for something that can service you for years, you can consider going with this option.


  • Top-quality, rot-resistant cedar wood
  • Durable construction
  • Large planting area


  • Een beetje duur

LZRS Raised Garden Planter Box: Most Practice

If you want a wooden planter that’s designed with practicality in mind, the LZRS Raised Garden Planter Box can be your best option. It’s also a raised planter made of high-quality fir wood, making it an ideal choice for gardens, decks, lawns, backyards, and patios.


  • Designed with practicality in mind
  • Ergonomic height
  • Uitstekende afwatering


  • Assembly is needed

Briful Rectangle Wooden Planter: Most Affordable

If you’re on a very tight budget and don’t want to spend a considerable amount of money on a plant pot, you might want to consider the Briful Rectangle Wooden Planter. 

It’s an affordable, handmade product made of aged pine wood. It has a vintage style and is available in three different color schemes so that you can choose the preferred one.


  • Very affordable
  • Multiple color options
  • Durable pine wood construction


  • No drainage holes

Giantex 3 Pieces Barrel Planter: Honorable Mention

This package also comes with three pots featuring different sizes (11.5, 15, and 18 inches). These wooden plant pots are ideal for groeiende kruiden, vegetables, and flowers. If you’re following a rustic theme in your garden, this product will suit you the best.


  • Three wooden plant pots
  • Excellent for both indoors and outdoors
  • Appealing rustic look


  • Construction could be sturdier

laatste woorden

Wooden plant pots make for a better option than many other materials, not only because of their aesthetics but also due to practical reasons. They’re environmentally friendly, can be more beneficial for your plants, and can help you save money in the long run.

I hope this guide has helped you understand why you should use wooden plant pots and how to care for them properly. Don’t forget to go through the list of the best options discussed above to choose the planter that suits you the best.

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